Anthrozoology Education Dogs Canines
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This is how we work here
We integrate science and best practices.
It cannot be otherwise.
Underlying Dynamic
Unfolding and understanding the mechanisms, dynamics, bias and patterns that characterise the interaction with your dogs and other human family members.
Expert Instructions
Your instructors have decades of experience in the field of canine behaviour and human-dog consultation and are online educators with a global audience.
Personalised Development
We tailor every process on our client's specific needs, charateristics and requests.
Holistic Approach
Re-considering your and your dog’s behaviour as interrelated and mutually influencing. Re-framing your dog and you as the two cores of the same ecosystem.
Integrated Science
We conjugate the most recent scientific researche with the best hands-on practice
We help professionals to reinforce their values, find their critical points and advance in their career.
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I am an Independent Researcher, Anthrozoologist, Dog Behaviour and Wellbeing Consultant, Educator, Animal Advocate and Rescuer with a significant social work, bodywork, human development and team building background. I am a Professional Member of the International Society for Anthrozoology - ISAZ, the Animal Behaviour Society - ABS, and founder of Anthrozoology Education Dogs & Canines, Portugal Focus Animal Help, Integral Neurosoma and other projects.
Psychology Today / DoYouBelieveInDog? / The Bark / The Chronicle of Dogs / American Dog Writers Associations / The Conversation / Animal & Society / Barks From The Guild / The Pet Professional Guild/ Dog Spies / The Outline / Talking Animals / Holistic Dog Podcast / International School of Canine Psychology ISCP / The Bitey End of the Dog Podcast / How to live Podcast / Lilidale Radio
For Everybody
A Dog Trainer
Best for dog parents wanting basic education and tips for their doggy friends
For Everybody
A Dog Behavior Consultant
Best for dog parents and dog professionals wanting do address some behavioural aspects and issues
See what Gwen, Roman, Nicole and others say about us
“Highly Recommended”
Marco Adda encapsulates what it means to respect animals. He is passionate about elevating the human/animal bond using his amazing skill level. Marco's compassion and sensitivity for both humans and animals endears him to all who know him. I am privileged to call him my friend.
-- Gwen Dina Kaelen,
Dog Trainer and Behaviour Consultant
“Amazing colleague”
As a holistic canine behaviorist, I highly recommend Marco.
His work and dedication to free-roaming dogs are vital since he has a holistic and nonlinear hierarchy approach.
He is a gifted behaviorist with a deep understanding of animal communication and relationships.
-- Roman Gottfried,
Behaviour consultant and Founder of Holistic Dog Training
“Best experience I’ve had”
Marco has a deep and honest understanding and connection with dogs... he can literally read them like a book and it’s always clear how much the dogs adore him. Marco helped me with my Bali dogs when they were puppies and I still hear his wise words in my head 4 years later. His tips and strategies really really work and he clearly and thoroughly explains and teaches you (the owner) about canine behaviour and how you can better handle and understand your dogs.
-- Nicole Sofia,
Dogs and horses lover
“Relaxed and Charismatic”
The teacher's method was relaxed I would say, he is an amazingly calm person and also charismatic. Some of the things he said, I remember so well because of the way he said it. What I liked a lot about him was that even when some people would not pay attention, he would engage with them in a respectful way and made them realize it was not okay what they were doing. He was funny, allowed us to freely discuss and the thing I liked the most: I never felt stupid at this course, never.
-- Anca-Maria Grica, Bachelor Student at USAMV
“Very professional and different!”
A lot of implication and dedication that could be felt trough the courses and speeches. a lit of dynamic activity, lots of time for questions and care for the comunity. not boring, allways captivating. absolutely great as i sometines felt like i was watching a full movie. great explanation, great detail and creative, fun way of teaching.
-- Zăhan Renata, Bachelor Student at USAMV
“Love it”
Opening discussions with students is a great teaching method. It forces them to use the previously learned ideas, to think them through and, consequently, to remember them for a longer period of time. Using documentaries and videos as a support for the course is also helpful. The professor didnt exclude any student. Moreover, he put in the effort to get everyone to take part in the course, even if that meant speaking in french.
-- Ioana Andrei,
Bachelor Student USAMV
“Flexible Approach”
Marco is a very flexible lecturer and always open to answer all our questions, which is really important in my opinion. Sometimes strictly sticking to a scheme isn’t that useful as going after the group’s needs.
-- Köves Fanni, Bachelor Student at USAMV
Marco's teaching is incredibly fun and entertaining. I will definitely miss the animations that were prepared for the class. Even though they were quite simple it was really easy to understand the concept that was presented in class.
-- Sbarcea Steliana Cezara, Bachelor Student at USAMV
“Interactive and fun!”
I liked the way of teaching, it was very interactive, even fun and the fact that we were constantly challenged. I liked the way of managing the less attentive colleagues the most, being a way that I have not seen in other teachers and which seems to me to be the most efficient.
-- Bianca Daniela Baluse,
Bachelor Student USAMV
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AEDC Anthrozoology Education Dogs Canines - Academy
Supporting professionals.
Shaping the life of people and animals.
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