Integral Neurosoma

Workshops & Masterclasses

Multidisciplinary discovery, limiteless transformation

Our workshop series is a gateway to a diverse range of experiences designed to cater to your unique aspirations, whether you're an aspiring performer, an educator seeking innovative teaching methods, or an individual on a journey of personal growth and self-discovery.

Igniting Creativity, Unleashing Potential

Our workshops are crafted with a main purpose — to ignite transformation and unleash the potential within each participant. Our series of workshops offer a dynamic and immersive multidisciplinary exploration, encompassing collaboration, education, and holistic well-being.

Your Unique Workshop Experience

Discover the flexibility of our workshops by customizing your experience. Combine multiple workshops to tailor your journey, creating a unique itinerary that aligns with your specific goals. Whether you're shaping your path as an actor, an educator, or an individual exploring the vast realm of artistic expression, our series offers a wide landscape of possibilities to suit your aspirations.

Join us on this transformative journey, where each workshop is a stepping stone toward unlocking your full potential as an artist, an educator, or simply as a creative soul seeking new horizons.

Short: 2-5 Hours Workshops & Masterclasses *

1) Tao massage e meridiani

2) Respiro Quindi Sono - Breathwork

3) Floorwork: Ritorno al Suolo

4) Animal Flow: The Beast Within

5) Yoga & Yin: Alle Radici del Sentire

6) Voice

7) Canti dal Mondo

8) Five Animals Qigong

9) Xing Shen Xuang Qigong

10) Five Elements Qigong

11) Canine Assisted Somatic Experiencing

12) Io sono colui che segue - Tongkat

13) Neurosensitive Touch - Tocco Vitale

14) Qigong & Yoga: meridiani e asana

15) Brain-body patterning re-wiring

16) Painting Posing: stillness in motion

17) From painting to movement: motion in colors

18) Introduction to Bangau Putih Silat

19) Sacred Moving Meditation

20) Mindfulness

21) Ecosomatica

Long: 6-50 Hours Workshops & Retreats

1) Yoga Yin 50 Ore CE Yoga Alliance

2) Somatica

3) Actor Work in Theatre, Dance and Fight

4) Plant Based Food Essentials

Others to discuss.

* Masterclass can be accounted as modules for longer Workshops & Retreats

Samples of workshops & masterclasses from our archive

For questions about our workshops, and to ask for a prospectus, contact us with the form here:

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