Integral Neurosoma

Performance Training & Drama Research

Borderless creativity, self discovery and expression

Performance Training & Drama Research: Unleashing the Artistry

Welcome to the terrain where acting and performance transcend boundaries. Our dedication to Performance Training & Drama Research is core.

We explore the psychophysiological nuances of acting, post-psychophysicality and the bodyworld of the actor, for artistic expression, personal transformation, and scholarly engagement.

Marco Adda is leading an actor training class at the "Attraversare il Vuoto" conference. Gombola, Italy, July 2023.

Unraveling the Craft: Performance Training

Tailored Actor Training

Our approach to Performance Training goes beyond the conventional. As theatre directors and actor trainers, we recognize the individuality of each performer. Through personalized sessions, we delve into the psychophysiological processes of acting, refining techniques, and nurturing the unique qualities that set each actor apart.

Group Dynamics in Performance

The synergy of a group amplifies the impact of performance. Our group training sessions foster a collaborative atmosphere where actors learn not only from the director but also from each other. Collective exploration of scenes, improvisation, and character development becomes a journey where creativity knows no bounds.

Beyond the Stage: Drama Research

Scholarly Pursuits

Immersed in the realm of Drama Research, our team actively contributes to scholarly discussions, pushing the boundaries of understanding within the theatrical arts. Engaging in ongoing research projects, our aim is to contribute valuable insights to the academic community, exploring the intersections of performance, psychology, and the socio-cultural impact of theatre.

Conference Participation

We don't just study theatre; we actively participate in shaping its future. Our involvement in conferences allows us to share our findings, exchange ideas with fellow scholars, and contribute to the evolving discourse of performance studies. Through these interactions, we stay at the forefront of advancements in the field, bringing the latest insights into our training practices.

Bridging Academia and Artistry

Academic Collaborations

Our commitment to the scholarly realm extends to collaborations with academic institutions. By partnering with universities and research centers, we create a bridge between theory and practice, infusing our training methods with the latest research findings. This symbiotic relationship ensures that our actors benefit from cutting-edge knowledge while contributing to the advancement of academic understanding.

Drama in Education

Beyond the stage, we advocate for the transformative power of drama in education. Our initiatives bring drama into classrooms, offering educators tools to enhance learning through theatrical techniques. By integrating drama into educational practices, we not only enrich academic experiences but also nurture creativity, empathy, and critical thinking in students.

Crafting Actors, Shaping Futures

Individual Actor Development

Each actor is a unique vessel of untapped potential. In our individualized training sessions, we work closely with actors to unearth their distinct strengths and refine their craft. Through a personalised journey of self-discovery and skill development, actors emerge not just as performers but as artists with a profound understanding of their own artistic voice.

Group Dynamics in Training

Training in a group setting is an immersive experience where actors learn to navigate the complexities of ensemble work. Our group training sessions foster a collaborative atmosphere, building a sense of camaraderie and shared artistic vision. These sessions go beyond skill-building; they are a celebration of creativity, teamwork, and the collective journey towards a captivating performance.

Join the Performance Revolution

Are you ready to step into the world of Performance Training & Drama Research? Whether you're an aspiring actor, an educator seeking innovative teaching methods, or a researcher exploring the depths of theatrical expression, our programs offer a unique intersection of artistry and academia.

Ignite Your Passion

For aspiring actors, our training programs are a gateway to discovering the depths of your craft. Ignite your passion, refine your skills, and embark on a journey that transcends the stage, shaping you into a multifaceted performer.

Transform Your Classroom

Educators, discover the transformative power of drama in education. Our workshops provide practical tools to integrate theatrical techniques into your teaching, creating dynamic and engaging learning experiences that go beyond traditional methods.

Explore the Boundaries

Researchers and scholars, join us in exploring the boundaries of drama and performance. Engage in our ongoing research projects, participate in conferences, and contribute to the rich tapestry of academic discourse surrounding the art of performance.

At the intersection of art and science, Performance Training & Drama Research is not just an endeavour—it's a revolution.

Rendra-Stanislavsky axis

In this video we explore some similarities between Stanislavsky and Rendra, one of the most prominent theatre directors, poets, actor leader and political persona of the second half of the 20th Century.

This video is part of our collaboration with the Stanislavsky Here, Today, Now, The Stanislavsky Research Centre, the University of Leeds, and Università Ta Malta - School of Perfoirming Arts.

Don't believe us, believe them!

Imparare a respirare nel movimento è stata una delle piu grandi rivelazioni di questa esperienza. Grazie Marco per la cura con cui ci hai guidati.

Angela Castelli

You never know where the movement brings you. You need to follow the spirit of the practice. Marco is a true inspiration.

George Navalis

It has been a deep and total transformation. Now I feel my breath, my emotions, and I can observe my thoughts within.

Jane Darlington

Del laboratorio condiviso mi resta addosso il piacere di un tempo sospeso e di un'attenzione dedicata all'essere umani. Mi resta il desiderio di trascorrere più tempo a terra, di riconoscere il mio corpo a contatto col suolo.

Francesca Coriani

Il lavoro con Marco mi ha messo in crisi, mi ha rivoltato, mi ha fatto vedere le mie vulnerabilità e finalmente ho cambiato pelle. Sono una persona nuova adesso, più connessa, più aperta. Pronta.

Daria De Biase

My opinion is straight! I learned so much, i changed view on a few cores, and I feel refreshed. Marco is a unique coach with a wide erray of expertises. You are lucky if you meet him on your path!

Josh Gambino

Ne approfitto anch'io per ringraziare in primis Marco che grazie a queste esperienza riesce sempre a muovere e toccare punti inaspettati! Mi porto dietro dopo questo lavoro una sensazione di riposo per la mia mente e il mio corpo, la voglia di far uscire tutto quello che generalmente nascondo e tengo dentro di me. E la voglia di condividerlo con gli altri.

Cecilia Turco

Se dovessi riassumere in due parole lo stage di Marco direi: semplicità ed efficacia. In più parole posso dire che ha saputo creare una buona atmosfera di condivisione e di tranquilla operosità.

Davide Amodio

Qualcosa è successo, si è mosso, anche noi ci siamo mossi, si acquisisce consapevolezza e presenza si diventa più propensi a dare che a trattenere si condivide con apertura e questo come abbiamo potuto vedere semplicemente eseguendo esercizi che il corpo non è più abituato a compiere e quindi il solo attivare delle posture, estendere ecc. ci regalano benessere e questo perché qualcuno che ci guida sa.

Umberto Giorgione

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